a collection of projects and ideas
Monday, July 26, 2004
Academic Projects
Spring 2006
Visual Databases Project
Using SVMs to automatically label images from Flickr.
Fall 2005
Adv. Machine Learning Project
Exploration of SDE and its applications to data mined from
Independent Project
End of the semester report for CUtunes.
Web-enhanced Information Management
A Project which aggregates RSS feeds from and provides a browser which utilizes a novel kind of similarity metadata.
Web-enhanced Information Management
A paper talking about the ability of folksonomy to organize large datasets.
Spring 2005
Machine Learning Project
Using Locally Linear Embedding to visualize CUtunes data.
Computational Genomics
A tool utilizing LLE and NMF algorithms to effectively visualze clusters in gene expression data.
Fall 2004
Computer Vision Project
A simple visual gesture recognition system written in Java for Mac OS X.
Summer 2004
Summer Job
Here is some work I did for identifying the borders of forest fires in aerial images.
Spring 2004
Parallel Computing
A package for parallel statespace searching.
Programming Languages and Translators
A small innovative language for grid-based visualization.
Summer 2003 and earlier
Summer Job
Summary of work I did at the plasma lab at Columbia.
Advanced Programming
A simple yet addictive game.
Previous Posts
- Learning from a Visual Folksonomy: Automatically A...
- Visualizing Folksonomies using Machine Learning Al...
- CUtunes Update
- Utilizing Folksonomy: Similarity Metadata from the...
- Building A Better Folksonomy
- Machine Learning Techniques for Visualizing CUtune...
- CUtunes
- LLE/NMF for Visualzing Clusters in Genetic Data
- Visualizing Music
- Computer Vision Project
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