a collection of projects and ideas
Past Projects in Computer Science @ Columbia
Spring 2006
Learning from a Visual Folksonomy: Automatically Annotating Images from Flickr
Visual Databases Project: Using SVMs to automatically label images from Flickr.
Fall 2005
Semidefinite Embedding: Applied to Visualizing Folksonomies
Adv. Machine Learning Project: Exploration of SDE and its applications to data mined from Del.icio.us.
Independent Project: End of the semester report for CUtunes.
Utilizing Folksonomy: Similarity Metadata from the Del.icio.us System
Web-enhanced Information Management: A Project which aggregates RSS feeds from del.icio.us and provides a browser which utilizes a novel kind of similarity metadata.
Web-enhanced Information Management: A paper talking about the ability of folksonomy to organize large datasets.
Spring 2005
Visualizing High-Dimensional Data
Machine Learning Project: Using Locally Linear Embedding to visualize CUtunes data.
Visualizing Clusters in Microarray Data
Computational Genomics: A tool utilizing LLE and NMF algorithms to effectively visualze clusters in gene expression data.
Fall 2004
Computer Vision Project: A simple visual gesture recognition system written in Java for Mac OS X.
Summer 2004
Forest Fire Image Segmentation
Summer Job: Here is some work I did for identifying the borders of forest fires in aerial images.
Spring 2004
Parallel Computing: A package for parallel statespace searching.
Programming Languages and Translators: A small innovative language for grid-based visualization.
Summer 2003 and earlier
Summer Job: Summary of work I did at the plasma lab at Columbia.
Advanced Programming: A simple yet addictive game.