Engineering leader passionate about machine learning, data science, and product development. Currently a Senior Director of Engineering at Reddit. Previously at Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, Foursquare, Sense Networks, and Columbia University.
Research interests include: machine learning, embeddings, spatiotemporal data, networks, visualization, dimensionality reduction, spectral optimizations, data mining, graph algorithms, social media, large datasets.
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50 megapixel rendering of the buddhabrot fractal. Code adapted from Paul Bourke included here.
December 2008
Experiments with a one-shot 360º camera invented by the columbia computer vision laboratory
May 2008
Work with visual eyes software created by the columbia computer vision laboratory
May 2008
These projects explore the use of new kinds of cameras that combine optics and computation in novel ways. The camera technologies used in these projects were developed at the Columbia Computer Vision Laboratory. For more information, please see: What is a computational camera? Many thanks to Shree Nayar and CAVE.
May 2008